Irmo Drive-In Movie Night
The Irmo Drive-In Movie Night will return on Saturday, October 31, 2020. This month, the featured film will be A Night At The Museum and our event will be hosted by Anchor Lanes (1057 Lake Murray Blvd., Irmo, SC 29063) Gates open at 4:30PM and the movie will begin at dark. Parking spaces are LIMITED.
Admission is FREE and vehicle passes must be RESERVED in advance. ONE PASS PER VEHICLE. (You do not need a ticket for everyone in your vehicle.) Masks are required within the Town of Irmo limits and we request that you stay in your vehicles with your families while you enjoy the film. Food vendors will be on site for snack purchases. Costumes are encouraged to celebrate Halloween!
A big thank you to the Town of Irmo and the Irmo business community for presenting this event!

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
4:30 PM - 11:00 PM EDT
Anchor Lanes Parking Lot
1057 Lake Murray Blvd.
Irmo, SC 29063
Contact Information
Ginger Huggins
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